Some day it will all come to an end – whether you are ready or not.
All our wealth, fame and power will disintegrate.
All that we own will be lost.
That which isn't lost will be passed on to those who will ultimately lose it too.
All our frustrations, likes, dislikes, grudges and rejoicings will vanish.
There will be no more sunsets or sunrises, no years, months, weeks, days, hours or minutes.
It no longer matters where we came from, what our origins were, which race, caste, creed or sex we belonged to, Where we lived, how we lived.
There will be no more goals, ambitions, aspirations, to-do lists and wish lists.
All the victories and defeats fade away.
The value of our lives will be measured by what we built, not what we bought.
The value of our lives will be measured by what we gave, not what we got.
The value of our lives will be measured by our significance, not by our success.
The value of our lives will be measured by what we taught, not what we learnt.
The value of our lives will be measured by what we encouraged others to emulate, not by the people we manipulate.
The value of our lives will be measured by the loss others feel, not by the number of people that we knew.
The value of our lives will be measured by the number of people who loved us, not the number of people whom we loved.
The value of our lives will be measured by what we are remembered for, not what we are cursed for.
The value of our lives will be measured by the sacrifice we made, not by the quantity that we consumed.
The value of our lives will be measured by the compassion that we showed, not by the insults that we heaped.
The value of our lives will be measured by the integrity that we had, not by the principles that we renounced.
The value of our lives will be measured by our character, not by our competence.
Choose to live a life that matters. This happens by choice, not by chance. Look at where you are today, Is it by choice or by chance?
"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give"